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Excessive sweating & problem perspiration

Hyperhidrosis treatment



Excessive sweating & problem perspiration

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Treatments for Hyperhidrosis

What is hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating; a common condition where a person sweats abnormally, even when they are not overly hot, stressed or exercising. A certain amount of sweating is normal, but when it is severe sweating and cannot be controlled by simple antiperspirant, then it is termed hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.

It can be very embarrassing and affect one’s confidence whilst at work and socially. The condition is often made worse once the person starts thinking about the sweating which then creates an anxiety loop which actually then makes the sweating more profuse. Showering regularly does not help and most over the counter remedies whilst ok for some people do not work for the more severe sweating.

Underarm and armpit sweating are annoying for patients who want to wear lighter coloured clothes as the damp patches show up. Hyperhidrosis can have very significant effects on patients’ lives, causing physical discomfort and social embarrassment and negatively impacting occupational and daily activities. The anxiety, embarrassment and the stress of always hiding your sweat from others can impact nearly all aspects of the sufferer’s life.

Social symptoms

If you suffer from excessive sweating, chances are that you suffer every day.

  • You may constantly worry about how much you’re sweating.
  • You may spend hours each day dealing with sweat – changing clothes, “freshening up”, wiping, placing napkins or pads under your arms or in your pockets, bathing, and hiding under dark-coloured, bulky clothes.
  • You may have lost opportunities or withdrawn from friends because of extremely sweaty palms or armpits.
  • Afraid of what people will think, you may even make excuses to stay home, or choose careers in which you don’t have to interact with people, shake hands, or give presentations.
  • Emotional problems, including depression, social isolation, and decreased confidence, can result.

Hyperhidrosis treatment

Until recently the only treatments that were available are driclor which is an aluminium based antiperspirant/deodorant. This can help in some cases, but often causes skin irritation and discomfort.

Luckily for people looking for another solution, there are now BOTOX® injections for sweating that stop underarm wetness for 6-7 months.

Injections to reduce sweating.


15-30 minutes


No downtime


4-7 days

Results Duration

5 months

Patient Reviews

Leading care, recommended by patients

Treatment Price

Frequently asked questions

What defines excessive sweating?

The Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) grades the sweating problem according to how it affects your life.

  1. Not affect day to day living
  2. Sweating is tolerable
  3. Sweating is a problem but struggling to cope
  4. Always interferes with daily activities
Potential causes of excessive sweating

The symptoms could be due to one of a large number of medical conditions, including endocrine disorders, neurological problems and the use of certain drugs.

That’s why the consultation and treatment should both be carried out by a medically qualified doctor who has the knowledge and training to assess and rule out any potential underlying causes before treating the excess sweating.

Social symptoms

If you suffer from excessive sweating, chances are that you suffer every day.

  • You may constantly worry about how much you’re sweating.
  • You may spend hours each day dealing with sweat – changing clothes, “freshening up”, wiping, placing napkins or pads under your arms or in your pockets, bathing, and hiding under dark-colored, bulky clothes.
  • You may have lost friends and opportunities because of extremely sweaty palms, feet, or armpits.
  • Afraid of what people will think, you may even make excuses to stay home, or choose careers in which you don’t have to interact with people, shake hands, or give presentations.

Emotional problems, including depression, social isolation, and decreased confidence, can result.


At what point should I consider sweat reduction injections?

We would recommend treatment for anyone whose symptoms are disrupting their daily lives. Ideally, the treatment is for people who:

  • constantly worry about the problem
  • have to carry supplies (medication, deodorants, extra clothes, powder or pads)
  • find it affects confidence and social interaction
  • have stained clothing and uncontrollable odour


Pre-treatment questions

To gauge how much the sweating problems affect your day to day life have a look at some questions we regularly ask our patients to see if they qualify for medication or BOTOX® injections.

  • How many times per day do you think or worry about sweating?
  • How many times per day do you change clothes? Bathe?
  • Do you carry “supplies” (such as pads, extra clothes, napkins, powders, antiperspirants, or towels) to help you manage your sweat?
  • How often do you have to purchase new clothing or shoes? Do you find that you make such purchases more frequently than other people?
  • How many minutes or hours per day do you spend “dealing” with sweat?
  • Have you tried any topical solutions (antiperspirants, powders, or deodorants) designed to control sweating? If yes, how many different types?
  • Do you ever change your social plans due to excessive sweating or fear of excessive sweating?
  • Have you ever damaged reading or writing material, artwork, paperwork, a musical instrument, or an electric or metallic device due to sweating?
  • Does excessive sweating affect your work performance or career choices?
  • Have you experienced skin irritation or infections due to excessive sweating or your attempts to manage excessive sweating?
  • Does sweating in public cause you distress?
  • When you are in a situation involving contact with other people, or when you think about such a situation, do you experience sweating?
  • Have you ever lost friends or a job due to excessive sweating?


External resources - help groups and organisations

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Get In Touch

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Office Hours

Our opening hours today are 09:00 – 17:30
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed