Laser Treatments For Unwanted Skin Moles
The latest laser mole removal techniques offer a quick procedure which gives quick healing and minimal scarring. A mole that had been annoying for years can be removed in minutes with laser treatment.
Moles are a fact of life for most of the UK population. While the average adult will have around 30 moles, some people have up to 400. They can appear all over the face or body, even in areas that have never been exposed to the sun.
Are moles harmful?
The good news is that the majority of moles are medically harmless and therefore do not need to be of concern from a medical or health perspective.
However, even harmless “normal” moles can be troublesome if they are in a prominent, visible place such as the face; or if they are large, raised so that they catch on clothing, are hairy or annoying in any other way.
They may also be aesthetically a problem – an obvious facial mole, for example, can cause a person to feel self-conscious and quite often hate their facial moles. They’re not always appreciated as a ‘beauty spot’ and many adults are keen to get rid of moles that are particularly noticeable.
Laser mole removal vs surgical options
The latest laser mole removal options offer a fast and pain-free option for getting rid of unwanted moles. For smaller moles, laser is an ideal option, as it avoids having to use stitches, which in turn helps to minimise scarring. It is a very precise technique which leads to rapid healing and recovery.
This treatment is a speciality at Cosmedics Skin Clinics. The company removes thousands of moles and has clinics across London as well as in Bristol.
Laser mole removal isn’t suitable for all moles. If that is not appropriate, as with larger moles for example; then surgical mole removal would be necessary. This is usually pain-free, as a light local anaesthetic will be administered first. Larger moles that are surgically removed using ellipse excision usually require a few neat stitches afterwards. Another procedure you may be offered is shave excision, which is suitable for smaller raised moles and generally requires no stitches.
Where necessary, surgery can be combined with laser to give the patient the best possible results.
Mole removal should always include mole testing of the mole to check whether or not it was normal. This is a sensible health precaution and Cosmedics Skin Clinics insist on independent histology for all moles removed.
What if my mole is suspicious?
For those moles that are suspicious, diagnosis and treatment should be provided as early as possible.
It is very important to be vigilant for moles that appear to be abnormal. For example, they may be changing in some way, look an odd shape or colour, bleeding or itchy, fast growing or irregular. Any moles causing concerns should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to note that abnormal moles can appear anywhere on the face and body, even in areas that have never been exposed to the sunlight.
Doctors generally recommend that everyone should check themselves for moles every 3-4 months.
If you have any concerns about a mole that looks odd, then see a doctor as early as possible. If they share your concerns, then referral to a specialist is quick and straightforward. Earlier treatment leads to the best outcomes.
Thankfully most moles do turn out to be harmless, but it is very important to get an expert to check rather than leave it.
Can I get mole removal on the NHS?
Many people have unwanted moles, but unfortunately, there is very little mole removal done nowadays on the NHS. Private mole removal offers an alternative for those patients who are looking to get rid of a troublesome mole.
Mole Removal
By Experienced Doctors & Surgeons
Cosmedics Skin Clinic is a leading provider of mole removal procedures in the UK with clinics in London and Bristol, carrying out thousands of procedures to remove unwanted moles for cosmetic reasons. Consultations and mole removal surgery are carried out by experienced doctors who can remove moles same day using local anaesthetic to make the treatment completely pain-free. The team use the latest methods designed for minimal-scarring results after healing. All moles are sent for independent lab testing as a precaution and the results are sent to the client within a few days.
The team of experts also offer a top to toe mole check, which assesses every part of the skin to identify any potential issues. This is carried out by trained and experienced doctors or surgeons. Most moles do turn out to be ‘cosmetic’ issues rather than a ‘medical’ concern. However, when a mole is found to be suspicious, early treatment tends to lead to the best results.
Cosmedics Skin Clinics
Cosmedics Skin Clinics was established in 2003 and has built up an excellent reputation for cosmetic and medical skin treatments, carried out by GMC Registered Doctors. The company offer a full range of cosmetic treatments, including popular lip enhancement and wrinkle relaxing injections, dermal fillers and laser treatments; plus medical treatments including mole removal, thread vein treatment and excessive sweating injections.
Cosmedics Skin Clinics has a team of skin treatment doctors and surgeons in their 5 skin clinics across London and Bristol led by Dr Ross Perry.
Call 020 7386 0464 or email to book an appointment.
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